Friday, July 25, 2008

Happenings During the Week

Ok this blog very long haven update larr....
so ok lets c wat happen this week...
yea on monday>>>> u all had bio test but adrian was having his driving test...
tahniah to adrian for passing his driving...LOL
tuesday... WOW ... it was prefect's installation....
too bad for our prefect cause they are "retired" now.... haha so old...
yea but we whole class was making soap for almost 4 periods... can ponteng moral...
wednesday arr... got nothing special....
ok thursday some of them went for the physics quiz and we were so bored in class...
friday... got sejarah test only....
Haiz, tomorrow got skewl....

Thursday, July 3, 2008

5 Angsana Gossip Mag July Edition

Presenting our class' Sleeping 'Beauties'


and last but not least....(drum rolls)

i managed to get a pic today, lol...could have taken zhen ming too but was on phui yi alert...

~Zhe Kai~