Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Outing in August?

Hey guys, what do you think if we have a reunion in August?

Why August? I think most of us should have holidays by then (even Pn. Ting, by the way), and besides, soon after that two of us will be going abroad to study. (so far I know only two)

Since this is just the beginning, and I don't know how many of you will make it, please give suggestions.

Do you guys want a party at someone's house and hold a potluck? - those with enough capacity volunteer? (who has a huge house?)
Or a buffet? - what's your budget and anyone know of any promotions or craving anything?
Or a restaurant? - which may be less expensive but the money is hard to collect.
Shall we call Pn. Ting? - other teachers can also but just say what you guys think.

And recommend some activities (don't watch movies, please) if you want but the main event should be the makan session.

Ps. Please leave comment (not in the C-box) = Some suggestions would be great!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hari Sukan 2

C- Box more active than blog??
haha in that case, better update more often, ya!!

Why didn't you go for Hari Sukan today??? They danced and sing and use instruments and spoofs in the marching formation, you know...so different!

Well, neither did I. But I do have the results!!

1st: Hijau
2nd: Biru
3rd: Kuning
4th: Ungu
5th: Merah

1st: Biru
2nd: Hijau
3rd: Kuning

MARCHING!!!(Badan beruniform)
1st: Kadet Polis
2nd: Scouts
3rd: PBSM

1st: Kuning
2nd: Biru
3rd: Merah

Update fast, don't I?XD Feel free to comment.

All I have to say is...Green House rocks!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

haha craze

how Haha did u Haha noe about me Haha.. who Haha told u? You keep Haha and it's Haha contagious.. and i'm Haha-ing and i noe it's Haha lame but i don't Haha care.. HAHA

you noe.. that's the funniest and most hilarious message i have ever received.. at 9 something in the morning.. XD

you are the legend girl.. not only you did amuse yourself at times.. you amused me as well.. =)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hari Sukan

This Friday (26/6/09) is our ex-school's Hari Sukan.

Anyone going?

Well...you can cheer for your house if you still have the semangat for it or attack your juniors. And watch the marching formations! (The theme is 'One Malaysia' ...hmm...don't ask why.)

PS I miss marching....(not the part where you get burnt of course)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

balls are FUN

If I'm not mistaken.. some of you are having holiday now right??
A long one month holiday.. so..

Paintball anyone?? =D

sexy betul.. XD

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I remember Snow White

I remember, do you??

Seven Dwarves Pictures, Images and Photos

Drama is life with the dull bits cut out.

~Alfred Hitchcock~