Sunday, February 28, 2010

Answers: Double Happiness

Answers: Double Happiness

1. These two people went to prom together as a couple Neo and Woon

2. These two people became the background singers for 'Tepes' Charmaine and Yan Shan

3. These two people returned home in the same teacher aka parent's car. Jun Xing and Adrian

4. These two people designed our class pages. Siti and Amira

5. These two people were ex Angsanians who left in Form 4 year 2007.(Remember who they were?) Yi Ein and Lydia


Friday, February 26, 2010

Hey guys!

Anyone has photos of when we were in Form 4/5 Angsana?

Really there's only that many photos we can access and needing more!!

Drop a message as a comment if you can send and I'll give you my email. =) Unless you already have it.


Lifeless Angsana

Old News that you may not have Noticed:

* People with Facebook, we have a class profile page thanks to Yuen Yang! Go add / accept invitation now!

* Encik Teh (former BM teacher in case you forget) has retired.
* Apparently you can get your SPM certs now.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Random mage reunion moments

Hey Guys! More random photos on the reunion!

That branch-leaf game. Let the photos do the talking.

Careful, Charmaine!

WHOA! So close!

One day when we all grow taller...

More on the Mafia game.

The police (Lieutanent Joanne) makes her final move... and catches the last Mafia standing (Weng Hoe)

More cake moments...

Photo of Yan Shan taking Jun Xing taking Joanne taking Rui Wei taking photo of the cake using their phones.

Don't we come up with the weirdest things?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another friend on the go?

Someone else is on the go.

She may not want to tell us yet, until it is fully confirmed...

But till then.

rainbow umbrella Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

Here's to you all!

Happy Chinese New Year Pictures, Images and Photos

Happy Chinese New Year


Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentines Pictures, Images and Photos

Still staying strong!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Random photos

Random photos of the day

Effect of science centres. Whatever you say, Newton.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Reunion@ Tropicana City Mall

8 Angsanians in Tropicana City Mall!! And today 1 person will be flying off to New Zealand. Here are photos of that day.

Who attended: Zhe Kai, Adrian, Yuen Yang, Shen Yen, Zi Qian, Weng Hoe, Yan Shan and Rachael.

We had lunch at San Francisco Steakhouse!

Zhe Kai as himself - spilling his drink all over the table!

If you're wondering what else he had coming for him, look below. Card, present, and a special 'certificate' (all the way from SMK Taman SEA!)

Opening the newspaper wrapping to find...

More newpaper wrappings and more and more layers!!

Finally at the end, he finds a pink box with some items inside - butterflies, nail clipper, glasses, popper etc. - and to know exactly what that means, he has to read the "love letter" as it is now called.

Want to know what is written? Bug that Shen Yen to post on blog.

Reading it (No he didn't cry)

All the Best in New Zealand, Zhe Kai!

You're Gonna Be Our Class Lawyer!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

QUIZ: Double Happiness

QUIZ: Double Happiness

Here's a quiz for Chinese New Year. Have fun, guys!

1. These two people went to prom together as a couple (ahem. clue)

2. These two people became the background singers for 'Tepes'

3. These two people returned home in the same teacher aka parent's car.

4. These two people designed our class pages.

5. These two people were ex Angsanians who left in Form 4 year 2008.(Remember who they were?)

Have fun! Answers to be posted end of this month.

PS. Photos of reunion to be posted soon.