Sunday, August 29, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Answers: Whose dream is/was this?


WHOSE DREAM IS/ WAS THIS? *Correct during 2007/2008*

1. To run a kindergarten --- so you know who you can hand your kids to. Charmaine

2. To become a pharmacist --- so you know who to call for prescriptions. Eunice

3. To fly in the air as a pilot --- holidays, anyone? Haree

4. To study psychology - “psychoanalyzing” you (Easy one) Aaron

5. To become a teacher – in the making. Shen Yen

6. To become a nurse – and earn loads at Saudi Arabia. Wen Lian

7. To marry a rich man/woman -
This...was purely random.
Zhe Kai

~Hope it boggled your brain~

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Help update


Lifeless Angsana is now running an update on all 5 Angsanians 'o8.

Overall most are accounted for.

Only a few are not.

- Amirah
- Ka Wei
- Suk Ting
- Min Min

Please help update. Thanks!! :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

UWC 'I gotta feeling' video

Don't you want to know what Phui Yi was showing us that day?

Now you can watch it for yourself.

Can you see her?

Note 4:08 - the one punching away. Yea, that's her!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy 19th Birthday, Aaron!

Happy 19th Birthday, Aaron!!

Future psychologist!!!

congrats yuen yang and rachael.

Sticky note:

Yuen Yang is going to IMU.

Rachael is heading to UK next month.

That's all for now. :)

Lifeless Angsana

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I remember the Bridge

I Remember, do you??

The hardest thing to learn in
life is
which bridge to
cross and which to burn.

~David Russell

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Jo is back.


Joanne is back from India TODAY!

For two weeks.

Lifeless Angsana

Friday, August 13, 2010

congrats cheng ze and zhen ming


Cheng Ze and Zhen Ming are heading to UK in September.

*If anyone is missing please edit here. Thanks.

Lifeless Angsana.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Note on A-Levels Result.

A-Levels results come out on either 11th or 19th of August 2010.
Yikes. Wish you guys luck.

Random note by,
Lifeless Angsana

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Quiz: Whose dream is/was this?

1. Answer each question.
2. Laugh if you have to.
3. Post answers as a comment. It doesn't matter if the previous person had already posted a comment. Nor does it matter what you choose to add.


WHOSE DREAM IS/ WAS THIS? *Correct during 2007/2008*

1. To run a kindergarten --- so you know who you can hand your kids to.

2. To become a pharmacist --- so you know who to call for prescriptions.

3. To fly in the air as a pilot --- holidays, anyone?

4. To study psychology - “psychoanalyzing” you (Easy one)

5. To become a teacher – in the making.

6. To become a nurse – and earn loads at Saudi Arabia.

7. To marry a rich man/woman -

~Answers to be posted at the end of the month~

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bunny Reunion

Bunny Reunion

They who came: Shen Yen, Phui Yi, Shu Yi, Aaron, Zi Qian, Adrian, Yan Shan.

Location (1) : Korean Restaurant

Here's Phui Yi with her laptop...

Shu Yi, Aaron and Shen Yen watches on.

EH! What's this?

Now we see it - updates from her college!

Location (2): Arcade

Nothing new - Aaron dances!!

Location (3): Borders

Reading up!! :)

Location (4): Ninja Joe

Lots of Burgers!!

Everything in order...

Digging in...

Say the 'p' word and Yen sill squirm!!!

*bounces away*

Monday, August 2, 2010

TCM @ 3.30pm today.

TCM @ 3.30pm today.

Join us for dinner!

And we can stay on long.

Lifeless Angsana