Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mirah & Phui Yi

All of a sudden two classmates left for overseas.

Mirah in Canada
Phui Yi now in India
All the best in all you (both) do, guys!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Snapshots of the Reunion

Hey guys! Here we are (18 of us) in Pasta Zanmai for our reunion! Here's to Charmaine, Zu Wen, Weng Hoe, Zhe Kai, Zi Qian, Yuen Yang, Michelle, Shu Yi, Zhen Ming, Min Min, Cheng Ze, Shi Yun, Ben and Yoong Liung(an addition) for coming...and thanks thanks thanks Adrian, Aaron and Jun Xing for rushing back from Genting for it.

Let the pictures do the talking, shall we?

Time to order!!

"Itadakimasu!!" Shu Yi leads...

Gethering around to watch a game...


"Hey, who wants to watch 'UP'?" And everyone literally looked, well, up.

Anyway, these photos are mostly mine and Zi Qian's. Quite tiring to upload, so do post up more photos!! Thanks again for coming!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

More from that day

Take One

Coincidental crashing of Kimarie, so out we went for Mc D

No comment


Coke spiked with pepper. Of all things, Yen. It's too easy to spot!
Why not salt, like the one in your drink?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Reunion 2009

Angsanian Reunion 2009

Where? : 1 Utama

When? : 22nd August 2009 (Saturday)

Time? : 11.30am - 5.30pm 5.00pm - 9.30pm/as late as you want (So sorry I forgot it's first day of puasa)

Agenda : Makan, cakap, makan(Pasta Zanmai) Bowling (possible- bring socks if you're joining), Camwhoring session (as suggested by *cough*), Shopping (also been suggested and if you want)
NOTE: Dinner now at 6pm.

Who's coming? : Still tallying - Rachael, Zi Qian, Zu Wen, Zhe Kai, Zhen Ming, Yuen Yang, Weng Hoe, Shu Yi, Michelle, Charmaine, Cheng Ze, Shi Yun, Ben

Note: Zhen Ming offered to drive those with transport problems. Thank you!!XD

* I need to know the number of people coming so pls decide asap.

* Any questions? And comments please!

*I'm Rachael btw.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A First

I having holiday this week.. went back to college for extra class..
so since it's during hols.. not much ppl there.. in fact.. only my class and a few others..

When i step into the waiting area at 2nd floor.. i saw this girl there..
and what is she reading??
The memoirs of Lee Kuang Yew... -.-"

So, I went to sit beside her.. then, she took my mp4.. she wanna listen.. so fine, listen.....
then, she wanna watch movie.. oh fine.. watch then.. what she watching??
Yes Man!!!

Then what am i doing?? Studying Moral..

intrinsic motivation blablabla..

teeheehee.. hahaha.. pfft....

*glare*... ssshh... feel of guilt and disapproval..blablabla..

hehe... hooo~~hohoho..

*shake head*

oh my god this is so sick... i need to let it run for awhile..*cover the thing up*


after awhile...

hmhmhm.. mmm.. heheh.. lol.. hahaha...

then, my friends all came d.. all sitting around the table.. studying and doing Chemistry..

HAHAHA..MUAHAHHA..HO~~~HEHEHE.... *it goes on and on*

eh ziqian, is that your friend a?? what's wrong with her?

wei.. keep quiet la you... this is so embarassing man.. wei!!! stop laughing.. control yourself la..

what the heck is wrong with you???

ziqian ziqian.. control ur friend pls....

*and the laughter continues... *

ok done.. don't get what i'm trying to say??

this girl was laughing uncontrolably when all my friends were sitting there studying.. and all of them.. let me repeat.. ALL OF THEM are staring at her with this o.O look on their face..

do you know how quiet it is in the morning.. and everyone is kinda sleepy and dreamy.. den suddenly this maniac started laughing like nobody's business...

gosh.. she totally embarassed me.. even before i did anything to embarass myself.. she already did it for me.. thank u so much girl... she totally make me feel embarassed more than i can do myself.. =.=

and who is she???

none other than our dear


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009