Friday, April 30, 2010

Answers: Senses

1. Answer each question.
2. Laugh if you have to.
3. Post answers as a comment. It doesn't matter if the previous person had already posted a comment. Nor does it matter what you choose to add.



1. Sight : How many dramas had our class attended and what were the titles of each? 3 - Cermin, Tepes, Snow White

2. Sound : What song did the class sing before Joanne left for Canada? Graduation (by Vitamin C)

3. Taste : What did Miss Ida give us before she left? Sweets (zhe: it was KISSES!!! I rmb!! xD)

4. Smell : Whose cologne was it that we kept smelling? Sam & Zhen Ming

Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April Birthdays '10

Happy 19th Birthday, Phui Yi!

*waves flag*

She who mutters in Spain, commands attention from all prefects in school ('wonder' how she does that, hehe), dashes across fields on sports days and more, may you have a great time in India, and have a wonderful year!

Calling upon all Angsanians to spam her with messages on Facebook or MSN or this blog.

Friday, April 23, 2010

shen yen to US?

Have you heard? *Looks left*

Have you? *Looks right*

Shen Yen got accepted into a US uni!! Congrats!!

And a ticket will be booked for August. =)

Monday, April 19, 2010


Snaps of stuff

Shen Yen walking to Mage Cafe.

Zi Qian telling the owner to recommend a game that does not require thinking.

Mirah and Michelle "re-living" childhood.

Aaron and Ben at the arcade.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Random news article

Sorry for the lack of updates! Been slightly busy lately but here is a random newspaper article I came across some time ago. Okay, long time ago.

Don't remember the date. Let's go nearer.

Hey! Interesting news? I wasn't looking at that, though.

Let's go nearer.


Friday, April 9, 2010

All the best, Joanne!

Hi Joanne!

All the best in your studies...
And don't forget to have some fun while you are at it!
Take care in India, okay?

"As we go on, we'll remember,
All the times we had together
As our lives change, come whatever,
We will still be friends forever."

To jolt your memory.

PS. Leave comments as messages to her! =)

She leaves at around 7am tomorrow (10th April), so before that you can still bug her!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Quiz : Five Senses

1. Answer each question.
2. Laugh if you have to.
3. Post answers as a comment. It doesn't matter if the previous person had already posted a comment. Nor does it matter what you choose to add.



1. Sight : How many dramas had our class attended and what were the titles of each?

2. Sound : What song did the class sing before Joanne left for Canada?

3. Taste : What did Miss Ida give us before she left?

4. Smell : Whose cologne was it that we kept smelling?