Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Catching up Part 1

hey guys...yes, i know u miss me but we all know why i've been absent for the last month. so here i'm gonna post what we've been missing out on for the past two months...
but first and foremost, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all our malay friends

Merdeka month... yeah, so?
well,a few of our classmates participated in the Merdeka Marathon, Here r the pics

Retard 1.0

Retard 2.0

Retard 3.0

retard4.0 and 5.0 will be posted in Part 2 as it is not with me now...
and Yong Hui, before u get agitated, it's not abt u...

1 more thing, can somebody contact Shen Yen to tell her to send me the Pics? i've been waiting for over a month...
Shen Yen Dum Dum....

-Zhe Kai-

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