Saturday, February 28, 2009

Quiz answers: Who did this (again)?

As promised, the answers to the quiz questions! I miss the random things our class do. All of a sudden, every little thing seems to capture your attention. Oh well... here goes nothing.


1. This person burned her shoe during an experiment.
Shen Yen (Curious? Will post the tale once she agrees to)

2. This person drew Puan Ting's portrait for the scrapbook.

3. This person took 13 subjects for SPM.
Michelle (10 + Bible Knowledge + Accounts + Chinese)

4. This person used a ring to predict how many children our classmates would (may) have.
Shih Yian (haha I remember zu wen will/might have a little girl?)

5. This person had to recite a poem to a classmate during a round of 'Spin the bottle'.
Rui Wei

6. This person always had to scream at boys to return her pencil box.

7. This person was the earliest to come into class. (okay, usually)
Chee Ming

8. This person is/was the moderator for the Angsanian Friendster Group Profile.
Jun Xing

9. This person plays the gu zheng.
Shu Yi

10. This person caused one of the biggest class shock with his baby photo.
Zhe Kai (you will always be remembered for that)

And we'll make more memories when we meet on 'THE' day, okay?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To update!! (24/2/09)

Time for an update!

1. Our rendezvous will be on 12th March 2009! If you don't know why this date, it's THE day we were waiting for (or maybe not even anticipating). Results, man, results! May we not get nightmares...On the bright side, we're all going to be there, right?

2. Answer the quiz, guys! It really doesn't matter what answer you put. Answers up by the end of the month.

3. So here is the BIG question which has been on out chatbox for quite a while. WHO is bad guy? Haha, don't worry, want to give a guess? Thanks to a source (thank you, you-know-who-you-are-who-asked-me-to-post-an-update) here is the clue!

CLUE: 2(ken)2

Neh, actually it's pretty simple. And you'll know why this person said what he said.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Kingdom of Angsana : Valentine's Day

Kingdom of Angsana

Valentine Day Special : Do you like me?

DIVIDERS Pictures, Images and Photos

Once upon a time, in an island which lies upon a sea (Block C), there stands the Kingdom of Angsana.

In this kingdom one fine day, Sir Aeron asked Sir Benito, “Do you think she likes me?”

“Who?” His trusted comrade could not believe his ears.

“Why, Lady Charm from the main land!”

Lady Charm from the main land was a bubbly maiden whose smile enraptures people, but Sir Benito knew that rejection lay ahead. He said no more in hopes that the short-lived flame will extinguished with time.

Rose Pictures, Images and Photos

O! Lady Charm’s birthday was around the corner, and Sir Aeron was determined to ask her the simple question that could change both of their lives!

Seeking some of the lady’s friends, he confided in them.

“Lady Mariam,” he asked, “I will give a gift to Lady Charm, and ask her a question which burdens my heart so. Do you think she likes me?”

“No,” Lady Mariam answered. “She is one of religious devotion. I see she cares for you no more than a friend.”

“Lady Wendy,” he asked, “I will give a gift to Lady Charm, and ask her a question which burdens my heart so. Do you think she likes me?”

“No,” Lady Wendy answered. “She has yet to open her heart to courtship. I see she cares for you no more than a friend.”

“Lady Ray,” he asked, “I will give a gift to Lady Charm, and ask her a question which burdens my heart so. Do you think she likes me?”

“No,” Lady Ray answered. “She is still young a maiden. I see she cares for you no more than a friend.”

While slightly disheartened, Sir Aeron decided to push aside the discouragements, for O! Lady Charm’s birthday was around the corner, and he was determined to ask her the simple question that could change both of their lives!

Rose Pictures, Images and Photos

Sir Benito, Lady Mariam, Lady Wendy, and Lady Ray were afraid of the great gloom that was bound to come. They decided that a warning must be given, and that Lady Ray, who lived just next door of Lady Charm, would be able to do so.

“Lady Charm,” said Lady Ray, “If someone should confess to you, what would you do?”

“I’ll tell him I’m sorry, and say no. I’m not ready.”

“Pray think about such a situation, IF something like that happens...”

Discussing the issue without mentioning what is to come, they took it as a warning given.

Rose Pictures, Images and Photos

The day came. Sir Aeron arrived at Lady Charm’s doorstep with a gift in his hands. All eyes turned towards them, as he wished her, “Happy Birthday.”

“I want to ask you a question which burdens my heart so. Do you like me?”


Finding her voice, Lady Charm answered, “As a friend, yes…”

“Nothing more?”

“As a brother, yes…” Her voice seemed to shake as she spoke.

“Nothing more?”

“What do you mean by more?” Her heart must have dropped.

He turned away. “Please open the gift.” Said he.

“I hope I didn’t give you the wrong idea…”


Opening the gift, she stared into its contents. Speechlessness.

The four friends of the duo stared into its contents. Speechlessness.

“So, do you like MEE?”

In the box was a packet of MEE.

Rose Pictures, Images and Photos
Happy Valentine's Day, all you guys! It doesn't take couples, you know!
Loved the story? It's a 'folktale' from some time ago...
PS This is an idea of what happened after that.
Girl Hittin Guy Pictures, Images and Photos
Ok. I'm exaggerating.

This is what happened

They laughed over the issue (but he did get choked by each of them). And in the Kingdom of Angsana the fellow friends lived happily ever after. For now.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Quiz : Who Did This??

I know it's been three months(since we left school), and all, but let's see how good your memory is, shall we? Just for fun.

There are ten questions below that may or may not have left an impact on you. And they are quite easy for now.


1. Answer each question.
2. Laugh if you have to.
3. Post answers as a comment. It doesn't matter if the previous person had already posted a comment. Nor does it matter what you choose to add.



1. This person burned her shoe during an experiment.

2. This person drew Puan Ting's portrait for the scrapbook.

3. This person took 13 subjects for SPM.

4. This person used a ring to predict how many children our classmates would (may) have.

5. This person had to recite a poem to a classmate (undisclosed for privacy) during a round of 'Spin the bottle'.

6. This person always had to scream at boys to return her pencil box.

7. This person was the earliest to come into class. (okay, usually)

8. This person is/was the moderator for the Angsanian Friendster Group Profile.

9. This person plays the gu zheng. (Knock your own head if you don't know)

10. This person caused one of the biggest class shock with his baby photo.

~ Answers will be revealed later on~

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Cosplay, Comic, Anime and Games exhibition (C2AGE) is about introducing the community to the amazing and enticing world of Japanese animation, American comics and a passion for gaming. We are also striving to promote the historically unique Japanese culture. In other words, the Japanese culture has made quite an impact on Malaysian youth. However, this culture has not been fully acknowledged by the people of Malaysia. We estimate a turnout of people from various races to attend this event on 16th of May 2009.


DATE: 16TH MAY 2009

TIME : 10.30AM - 6.00 PM


Our Mission

There have not been many big events to promote the Japanese and Manga culture. We at C2AGE plan to host one of the biggest anime expo in Malaysia. We at the HELP Matriculation Centre would like to contribute to this rapidly increasing popularity. Besides promoting Japanese comics we are also striving to promote comics by DC Comics and Marvel Comics. Thus, we hope that you would be able to help us in making this event a success and futher enlightening others on the culture of cosplay, anime and manga.

For more details visit