Saturday, February 28, 2009

Quiz answers: Who did this (again)?

As promised, the answers to the quiz questions! I miss the random things our class do. All of a sudden, every little thing seems to capture your attention. Oh well... here goes nothing.


1. This person burned her shoe during an experiment.
Shen Yen (Curious? Will post the tale once she agrees to)

2. This person drew Puan Ting's portrait for the scrapbook.

3. This person took 13 subjects for SPM.
Michelle (10 + Bible Knowledge + Accounts + Chinese)

4. This person used a ring to predict how many children our classmates would (may) have.
Shih Yian (haha I remember zu wen will/might have a little girl?)

5. This person had to recite a poem to a classmate during a round of 'Spin the bottle'.
Rui Wei

6. This person always had to scream at boys to return her pencil box.

7. This person was the earliest to come into class. (okay, usually)
Chee Ming

8. This person is/was the moderator for the Angsanian Friendster Group Profile.
Jun Xing

9. This person plays the gu zheng.
Shu Yi

10. This person caused one of the biggest class shock with his baby photo.
Zhe Kai (you will always be remembered for that)

And we'll make more memories when we meet on 'THE' day, okay?

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