Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Looking for the Rain God?

The class blog was hit with a serious drought! Staring at the screen, I
guess almost all of us imagined a
post would pop up soon enough, though all that
appeared were but mirages.
Dust seemed to gathered into an African desert. OH,
the only thing missing
is a sacrifice to please the Rain God...

Hehe. Just kidding.

So here I shall break the drought, no matter what it takes. And with that, to be honest, I didn't take a lot of photos on that emotional day, but knock yourself out. Bear in mind that these were not taken by professionals.

Grab them if you want, and you'll see some familiar faces, or those who changed from tip to toe.

Till then, SMILE!! This chapter in our lives is over, and soon you'll realised that it holds little value, so SMILE!! Go torture your younger siblings or juniors!!

PS Anyone remember any funny incidents that happened on April Fool's Day? Randomness, but jst to provoke thought.

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