Friday, August 14, 2009

Reunion 2009

Angsanian Reunion 2009

Where? : 1 Utama

When? : 22nd August 2009 (Saturday)

Time? : 11.30am - 5.30pm 5.00pm - 9.30pm/as late as you want (So sorry I forgot it's first day of puasa)

Agenda : Makan, cakap, makan(Pasta Zanmai) Bowling (possible- bring socks if you're joining), Camwhoring session (as suggested by *cough*), Shopping (also been suggested and if you want)
NOTE: Dinner now at 6pm.

Who's coming? : Still tallying - Rachael, Zi Qian, Zu Wen, Zhe Kai, Zhen Ming, Yuen Yang, Weng Hoe, Shu Yi, Michelle, Charmaine, Cheng Ze, Shi Yun, Ben

Note: Zhen Ming offered to drive those with transport problems. Thank you!!XD

* I need to know the number of people coming so pls decide asap.

* Any questions? And comments please!

*I'm Rachael btw.


Rachael Lum said...

Another thing: Amirah asks if anyone would like to go to her place on Wednesday (afternoon) to meet her in case she can't come on that day.

Anyone free ?

AstrayP03 said...

i'm going ^^

PhuiYi said...

Not going. Having Family Dinner in KL with extended family n all. Sorry! You all have a great time!

Y.Y. said...

Not going..Got to go airport to try catch some A(H1N1) sorry..Enjoy urself there tough..