Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dec on its way

Hi guys...

December on its way...

That means it's going to be one year since we left highschool.

Fast, isn't it?

Anyway...Happy holidays to those who have holiday, and all the best in your studies if you don't (and if your exam's in Jan...)

So...any takers for the 'Man and Superman' production on the 9th, 10th or 11th December?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Production Tickets

Hi guys!

Check out the post on the HELP A-Level Production!

If anyone is interested in going, let me (I'm Rachael) know and I can get the ticket for you. Oh, Shen Yen should be able to buy some too.

It's RM 10... Details on the days are below. So pick a day.

If you want, you can treat it as an 'Angsana outing' but have to go on the same day...

And you can invite anyone at all.

PS. For those who are not Angsanians, you can come too! But let me know, ya?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mage Attack Random Photos

Everyone with games to play!

The game for '8 and above'... Something with many dices and worms...


The typical camera pose

The Jun Xing pose.

The Shu Yi pose.

The typical Yuen Yang pose.

Joanne playing cards.

The Rui Wei pose.

A Rachael-muching-pizza moment.

The Yan Shan pose.

A Zi Qian-Weng Hoe moment.

More randomness later on.

But for now, those with the photos, please post yours up too! XD

Monday, November 23, 2009

HELP A Levels Production 09

HELP A-Levels 2009 Drama Production: Man and Superman

Excerpt taken from here

Production Dates and Times
9th December 2009 (Wednesday) 3:30pm
10th December 2009 (Thursday) 8:00pm
11th December 2009 (Friday) 8:00pm

Auditorium, 4th Floor, Block E, Kompleks Pejabat Damansara (KPD), Jalan Dungun

Man and Superman

George Bernard Shaw's Man and Superman is a comedy of ideas: its characters discuss ideas such as capitalism, social reform and male and female roles in courtship. The plot centers on John Tanner, author of "The Revolutionist's Handbook and Pocket Companion." Tanner is a confirmed bachelor despite the pursuits of Ann Whitefield and her persistent effors to make him marry her. Ann is referredt to as "the Life Force" and represents Shaw's view that in every culture, it is the women who force the men to marry them rather than the men who take the initiative. For the most part, the mood of Man and Superman is wry and light-hearted. Although Shaw addresses some serious intellectual and philosophical issues in the play, he also succeeds in making his audience laugh while they are thinking.

Cast and Crew

Despite being a Department of A-Levels production, these plays involve the entire student body of HELP Academy - a combination of efforts spanning all departments.


Adrienne Hwang - Straker
Aveena Yogaraj - Violet
Leong Shen Yen - Hector
Thong Jia Yu - Mrs Malone
Wong Kok Thong - Mr Ramsden
Elisa Tan Lee Yan - Mrs Whitefield
Jay Delancy - Octavius
Dhinesh Pradhan Karthigesu - Tanner
Ilyana Raisya - Ann

And that's what our actress (and Rachael in backstage) will be doing in December. Interested to know more?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Angsana attacks Mage Cafe!

Angsana attacks Mage Cafe! Where the loudest shrieks and laughter naturally came from us.

Browsing through the shelves

And the menu...

Don't forget to 'check in' aka sign Charmaine's card.

Michelle and Charmaine biting into pizza slices (most generous amount of cheese!!)

Sharing is caring...

The camera still continues snapping through lunch...

With Taboo cards lying on the table.

Zi Qian's priceless expression when she told the owner to introduce a game that is "easy to learn, easy to understand...because my brain isn't functioning."

And he comes back with a small boardgame as he says, "8 and above."

We did what Joanne and Shen Yen did in the background.

A branch and leaf game.

Was fun while it lasted.

Joanne and Ben

Yuen Yang and Weng Hoe playing Chinese checkers.

Then we settled for 'Mafia' that all of us can play --- Normal people ain't 'retarded cows'! (Inside joke)

The cake some of us sneaked out to buy.

Happy Birthday to Zi Qian, Rui Wei, Jun Xing and Yan Shan! To Charmaine as we won't be in Aussie to celebrate with you next year!

He wouldn't want to talk about it.

This one's for the girls...


They who came: Jun Xing, Rui Wei, Adrian, Ben, Yuen Yang, Joanne, Rachael, Zi Qian, Weng Hoe, Yan Shan, Shu Yi, Stefanie, Michelle, Shen Yen and Charmaine.

Thanks for coming!

There are more pictures to come. Random, even.

But do wait for more!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Just about to start

It's now 1.00pm. And the reunion is just about to start.

It's not too late to come!

Look below for details. And call anyone who is coming.

You don't know what you're missing...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Reunion Nov 09 Details


Where? The Mage Cafe
32, Jalan SS22/21,
47400 Damansara Jaya,

Where exactly? In the inner circle...opposite the road from the loading dock - where workers normally enter - of Atria.

When? 20th November 2009 (Friday)

What time? Starts at 12.45pm 1.00 pm NOTE THE SLIGHT TIME CHANGE!(Some of us should be there earlier)

What to expect? We'll have lunch there, then start playing boardgames while catching up on everything. (Quotes the Star: Customers who order food and drinks above RM10 can play the games in the café for RM5 with no time limit)

Who? Still tallying but so far... Charmaine, Rachael, Zi Qian, Yuen Yang, Weng Hoe, Ben, Jun Xing, Michelle, Rui Wei, Shu Yi, Shen Yen...

*Latecomers: Adrian, Aaron, Yan Shan, Sheung Un...

How? Let either Rachael, Zi Qian or Yuen Yang know if you are coming. Text, tell, mail, bug...your choice.

Note: Please pass message on. And those who are coming please confirm so the seats can be booked.

Hope to see you then! =)
*Zhe Kai, if you're coming, care to read our fortunes with tarot cards?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Snow White

Ladies and gentlemen...the moment you have been waiting for...(drumroll) the timeless classic, the everlasting hilarity, the back-cracking rehearsals...

Now...the curtains unveil for the Angsana's 2007 Production... the altenative take for a fairytale...


Once upon a time, there lived the cruel Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. So the story goes...

If you are from Angsana, you would know how the story ends, so pardon the non-existent video clip of the ending.

Thanks for attending the 'movie'!...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Movie Trailer...

Movie Reel Pictures, Images and Photos

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Angsana clan, let's watch a movie!

What? Not now? Transportation problems? Ah...well... I guess we'll just have to bring the movie straight to your doorstep.

Can you guess what it is? Here's a clue:

A classic once untouched by time now tampered.

Apple Pictures, Images and Photos

life's like a movie Pictures, Images and Photos

COMING SOON ON ANGSANA BLOG...3 More days countdown...

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Friday, November 6, 2009

A bit of info

Retrieved from blog: Renyar

Just a bit of info:

A review for the restaurant was in the Star lately.

And it was mere COINCIDENCE. Rest assured.

Have a read on the website and let me know if it's okay.

Thursday 29th October 2009
Game for home-cooked delights


Tuesday, November 3, 2009



HalloweenSkeletonWavesBar Pictures, Images and Photos

1. These two people were 'mistaken' for each other as toddlers (A looked like B when A was a child, B looked like A when B was a child) Sheung Un & Yuen Yang

2. These two people hurt their leg (by accident of course!) during our Angsanian era (thus giving us nice classrooms) Michelle & Shi Yun

3. These two people played the 'Tepes' couple. Ben & Mirah

4. These two people went for yoga lessons. Min Min & Joanne

5. These two people brought facial oil blotting paper to school. Zhen Ming & Weng Hoe

Monday, November 2, 2009

Note for Luck

Short note for luck:

To those with exams (ie Taylor students) and those soon to come...

Gambateh! ALL THE BEST!