Monday, November 23, 2009

HELP A Levels Production 09

HELP A-Levels 2009 Drama Production: Man and Superman

Excerpt taken from here

Production Dates and Times
9th December 2009 (Wednesday) 3:30pm
10th December 2009 (Thursday) 8:00pm
11th December 2009 (Friday) 8:00pm

Auditorium, 4th Floor, Block E, Kompleks Pejabat Damansara (KPD), Jalan Dungun

Man and Superman

George Bernard Shaw's Man and Superman is a comedy of ideas: its characters discuss ideas such as capitalism, social reform and male and female roles in courtship. The plot centers on John Tanner, author of "The Revolutionist's Handbook and Pocket Companion." Tanner is a confirmed bachelor despite the pursuits of Ann Whitefield and her persistent effors to make him marry her. Ann is referredt to as "the Life Force" and represents Shaw's view that in every culture, it is the women who force the men to marry them rather than the men who take the initiative. For the most part, the mood of Man and Superman is wry and light-hearted. Although Shaw addresses some serious intellectual and philosophical issues in the play, he also succeeds in making his audience laugh while they are thinking.

Cast and Crew

Despite being a Department of A-Levels production, these plays involve the entire student body of HELP Academy - a combination of efforts spanning all departments.


Adrienne Hwang - Straker
Aveena Yogaraj - Violet
Leong Shen Yen - Hector
Thong Jia Yu - Mrs Malone
Wong Kok Thong - Mr Ramsden
Elisa Tan Lee Yan - Mrs Whitefield
Jay Delancy - Octavius
Dhinesh Pradhan Karthigesu - Tanner
Ilyana Raisya - Ann

And that's what our actress (and Rachael in backstage) will be doing in December. Interested to know more?

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