Wednesday, December 30, 2009

new layout for new year

Hi guys!

Expect a new blog layout come the New Year!

Hope this year had been a great one for you.

One year and still staying strong!! (at least we hope, huh?)

illustration Pictures, Images and Photos

Lifeless Angsana

Monday, December 28, 2009


Randomly chosen photos from the drama...a walk down memory lane, shall we?

Beard-making factory...

Phui Yi! Wonder how she's doing in India... comment.

Somehow finding it hard to believe, Zu Wen.
Same goes to you, whoever you are.
RANDOM TRIVIA: Who on earth is this?

Friday, December 25, 2009

ANSWERS: Snow White and the Seven Who?

We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year!

Heigh ho, heigh ho!! It's home from work we go!!
PS Now you remember who the Seven Dwarves are?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Note: Come celebrate tomorrow! =)

Hey guys, Christmas Eve and all goes well, I hope?

And if you're free tomorrow - 25th December 2009, do go for the Christmas event at The Life Chapel (9, Jalan 17/21E, Petaling Jaya) at 10am ! You can meet Ben there!


Do check their Facebook too. All is written in previous posts.

NOTE: Find Ben at the PA section. Come early, ya!

Come on, guys!! It's time to HAVE FUN!!

Feliz Navidad, Prospero Anulita Lisida!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ben's Invitation


First posted by Ben

Date: 25th December 2009, Friday
Time: 10:00 AM
Venue: The Life Chapel
Address: 9, Jalan 17/21E, Petaling Jaya


All are WELCOME : )

We are on FACEBOOK too!
Do leave a comment on whether or not you're going...=)
NOTE: Ben will be at the PA section. And preferably come at 9.45am to get seats.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Deep in December

Deep in December, it's nice to remember,
Although you know the snow will follow.

Deep in December, it's nice to remember,
Without a hurt the heart is hollow.

Deep in December, it's nice to remember,
The fire of September that made us mellow.

Deep in December, our hearts should remember
And follow.

~ Try to Remember, by Tom Jones~

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas events?

Hi guys!!

Christmas is on the way and everything is moving at fast paced. So many things happened this year!

Plus, it's that close to 07/08 Angsana's first anniversary!!

So anyone has Christmas-es you'd like to share? What about some Christmas events that you are willing to let us all crash?

Well it's up to you, but do post!! =)

Cheers from your faithful blog,
Lifeless Angsana
(with more life than not)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

End of Drama

Hi guys, you missed the once-in-a-life-time event!! Here's what Aaron and Yuen Yang have to say.

YY : yea..i agree Shen Yen acted a guy

Aaron :
Man and Superman rocked!!! I love the philosophy about women XD. And you get to see Shen Yen act as guy!

Ah well, congratulations, Mr Hector Malone (that's her character) and happy holidays to you all...

*No complaining that this photo lacks you, Yuen Yang. You were the one who left immediately after. BLE.*

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I remember Tepes

I you?

Credits to Flickr

" It is as near to you as your life but you can never wholly know it.."

~Rabindranath Tagore

Hey Guys! Did we take a video of the two plays we did last year?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Charmaine's Message

Charmaine's Message

Hey Angsanians!

One by one we are leaving to many parts of the world huh? I am very blessed to have all of you as my classmates. Most of my fond memories are spending time with all of you. I pray that you will succeed in your future undertakings. No matter how hard the journey is, as long as you have the faith and courage, nothing can stand in your way. Be yourself! That's the best that you can be.

I will meet you, we'll keep in touch yea? I'll be blogging on and will come online as often possible. I'll make an effort to go on facebook. haha... = p Take care and God bless! I will miss you guys! Thank you so much for being my friends. Love ya! ^^



Take care in Australia, Charmaine!

We'll miss you!

If it's Dec 5th and before 9.55am, she's about to fly off... still time to leave a sentimental sms...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

shyness of yen

It's true she didn't breathe a word about it...cause she finds it hard to ask.

But deep down she would like to see us supporting her...

Without banners or bouquets or excessive cheering, of course.

BEN may be coming on Wednesday afternoon, about 3pm but he has yet to confirm. Any more?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

QUIZ: Snow White and the Seven who?

QUIZ: Snow White and the Seven Who?

Hey guys it's December now, and frankly, quizzes are hard to make lately. So this month it'll be super easy.

Who were the Seven Dwarves? (Come on, you've watched the movie - Angsana version I mean)
