Saturday, December 5, 2009

Charmaine's Message

Charmaine's Message

Hey Angsanians!

One by one we are leaving to many parts of the world huh? I am very blessed to have all of you as my classmates. Most of my fond memories are spending time with all of you. I pray that you will succeed in your future undertakings. No matter how hard the journey is, as long as you have the faith and courage, nothing can stand in your way. Be yourself! That's the best that you can be.

I will meet you, we'll keep in touch yea? I'll be blogging on and will come online as often possible. I'll make an effort to go on facebook. haha... = p Take care and God bless! I will miss you guys! Thank you so much for being my friends. Love ya! ^^



Take care in Australia, Charmaine!

We'll miss you!

If it's Dec 5th and before 9.55am, she's about to fly off... still time to leave a sentimental sms...

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