Friday, May 7, 2010

Guess who?


Note the person on the right. =D

Recognise who that is?


khairunnisa said...

omg is that PUI YI?

Lifeless A said...

8 May 10, 09:19
adrian: seriously... i knot recognise.. whu s dat??

8 May 10, 16:03
Ziqian: Seriously..!! It looks like phui yee.. And the guy in the left looks like Neal tan! Holy mama

10 May 10, 09:16
Rachael: zi qian: yes! it's phui yi!!

Anonymous said...

22 May 10, 01:41
Joanne: OMG.... PHUI YI !!!!!!!!! study skull until shave bald ah ?!!! O.O