Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Revisiting SPM Memory Lane...

Hello fellow classmates-who-seldom-read-this-blog,

So far I've only seen a few comments, so i guess the "lifeless" love needs the hormone adrenaline and glucagon to increase it's life. Ah weell, i'm seriously considering becoming an assasin so please watch out.

Below is an entry i made on the free paper during SPM (I stole it afterwards, shhhh!), which brings me back to that exam hall once more. The whirring fans and moving teachers......enjoy:

Hello and good evening. This is live from Station 021@022, and it’s De-Stress hour!

Yes, this is the perfect hour for me to sit in front of my screen and analyze, joke and whatever else about the SPM we all sat for.

Let it be known that I am not going to touch the Additional Mathematics subject. You could hear the oaths and dung being thrown in the air. Another thing: Today is Amirah Aidura’s BiRthDAY!!!

My dear comrades, we are all slaves to the education system of our beloved country. Gladly will we sit for nearly 8 hours in hall or classroom, simply to write our hands to shreds. We think nothing of memorizing useless Pendidikan Moral values (ALL 36 OF ‘EM!!!) which is discarded as soon as we leave the hall. Indeed, all hail the great creature who thought up this vile subject for the youth of Malaysia.
Praise be to the brave, comrades! The brave ambassadors of the education system, our beloved “pengawas”. They sacrifice so much of their time for us!
Now I shall speak Malaysian. I finished writing as many moral nilai’s I could remember on the extra paper they gave. After glancing through the exam paper, I proceeded to regurgitate, like the rabbit (Form 5 Biology) every single “kesedaran”, “untuk”, “kepatuhan” that was crammed in the brain since Form 1. Never mind that I felt a bit sick of this subject, because by 5pm, Tuesday 18/11/2008, P.Moral will vanish from my life!! 4EVA!!!!
I believe the recycling centre will be very happy very soon.

So anyway, I had reached question 5 when the clouds burst open and poured all their tears upon the lands of SMK TAMAN S.E.A. Forgetting the time constraint, my head turned to the doors to watch the green grass get swallowed up by water. Then back to moral again. Gusty winds forced our hall’s window doors to bang and shudder in protest, but oh, the cool fresh air was a welcome relief! Then back to moral again.>0<

I had about half an hour left to kill, but the only instruments that were available were paper and pen. Since you’re not allowed to throw a chair in frustration, my instinctive impatience had to find other outlets, so here’s what I did.

1. tapped my pen on the table 100 times
2. counted the white lights in the ceiling. (For your information, we have 20 of them. Count for yourself)
3. looked around my surroundings, saw pinafore, shirt, baju kurung, shirt, pinafore………..en infiniti……..
4. considered asking permission to drink water but the teachers were looking elsewhere
5. considered using my telepathic mental power to push the long hand of the clock 5 minutes short of 5pm.

This is as far as I arrived, because the rain grew heavier and frankly, I got bored. The occasional lightning thunder special effects made many sleepy heads pop up like black seeds among blue and white porridge. I briefly wondered what would it be like if teachers cycled in the hall amidst our exams. Squeek squeek.

When it finally reached 5pm, I left the extra paper scribbled with nilai behind. Truth: like Stacie Orrico sang, “I’m not missin’ you..”

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