Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To update!! (24/2/09)

Time for an update!

1. Our rendezvous will be on 12th March 2009! If you don't know why this date, it's THE day we were waiting for (or maybe not even anticipating). Results, man, results! May we not get nightmares...On the bright side, we're all going to be there, right?

2. Answer the quiz, guys! It really doesn't matter what answer you put. Answers up by the end of the month.

3. So here is the BIG question which has been on out chatbox for quite a while. WHO is bad guy? Haha, don't worry, want to give a guess? Thanks to a source (thank you, you-know-who-you-are-who-asked-me-to-post-an-update) here is the clue!

CLUE: 2(ken)2

Neh, actually it's pretty simple. And you'll know why this person said what he said.


Anonymous said...

Ken from street fighter: the legend of chun li xD xD xD xD

AstrayP03 said...

haven out yet la dumb... and ken nt appearing in d show...

Anonymous said...

o.O so wad man..... i say can(ken) than can(ken) larh

AstrayP03 said...

i hav to admit....nice one.... haha

Anonymous said...

o.O sure lar.... but y ken nt coming out der??? my fav character in street fighter is ken n ryu lerh T.T

AstrayP03 said...

mine used to be ryu... but nw i dun really care abt them....KOF better, LOL... anyways, dun be sad, u get to c chun li's upskirt lol

Anonymous said...

lyk seriously wth man... chun li is lyk soo... tomboyish..... cant u get a better model??

AstrayP03 said...

chun li where gt tomboy wor..... look at sakura la.....dat 1 more tomboy.....

Anonymous said...

wadeva lar u gay ass... cant u pick sum1 lyk megan fox or sumthing... NOOB~!