Thursday, April 9, 2009

Shock this blog back to life!!

Seriously, no updates? Who's waiting for who?

Haha, never mind about that. Okay, so do you guys remember Hari Kecemerlangan? The day where people watch students get their certificates, watch performances, listen to the same few teachers on stage again, or that day back then when teachers won't teach!! Woohoo!


The letters have just been sent to invite ex-students back to school to PMR students get their certificates, watch dances, listen to the same few teachers on the stage again...but HEY! If you find something like that in your mailbox, yippee!!

By default, the date is 26th of April 2009 24th of April 2009. That's what I heard. Keep that week free.

So guys, go take pictures, random pictures, any kinds of pictures, and we can shock this blog with tremendous voltage and get it running again!!


PS I think something is different in me now. Shen Yen thinks something is changing in her too. Anyone has the same feeling?

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