Friday, May 1, 2009


Okay, guys, we enter May, so take it as a relaxing read, or whatever you want it to be. Here are several quotable quotes that may or may not be repeating themselves in your head over and over again like a tape recorder. So read up the instructions and have fun!


1. Answer each question.
2. Laugh if you have to.
3. Post answers as a comment. It doesn't matter if the previous person had already posted a comment. Nor does it matter what you choose to add.

( I just realised there's no place for comments. Anyone know how to make some changes? Either that or post it on chat box!



1. "I swear on my mummy's apple pie..."

2. "The sky is blue."

3. "Get the picture?"

4. "Yuen Yang bully meeeee...."

5. "When I see Kit Kat, I think of Kitty Cat. When I think of Kitty Cat, I think of you..."

6. "Don't you think bald is sexy?"

7. "Kita mesti...AHAHAHAHAHA....kita..HAHAHAH..."(dialogue varies but laughing remains the same)

8. "FIVE(!!!!) more minutes left..."

~Answers will be revealed by the end of the month~

1 comment:

mirah.// said...

testing testing. (: