Friday, June 26, 2009

Hari Sukan 2

C- Box more active than blog??
haha in that case, better update more often, ya!!

Why didn't you go for Hari Sukan today??? They danced and sing and use instruments and spoofs in the marching formation, you different!

Well, neither did I. But I do have the results!!

1st: Hijau
2nd: Biru
3rd: Kuning
4th: Ungu
5th: Merah

1st: Biru
2nd: Hijau
3rd: Kuning

MARCHING!!!(Badan beruniform)
1st: Kadet Polis
2nd: Scouts
3rd: PBSM

1st: Kuning
2nd: Biru
3rd: Merah

Update fast, don't I?XD Feel free to comment.

All I have to say is...Green House rocks!!

1 comment:

Ruh-u meyyit said...

Greetings from Turkey.Have a nice day.