Friday, December 31, 2010

End of the Year

NEW YEAR 2011 Pictures, Images and Photos

Today is the last day of year 2010. Once 2011 starts it means we have been out of high school for three years (and still counting).

There's been several reunions this year, like the Japanese dinner, the one in the Mage restaurant (boardgames etc), going back to collect result slips, satay outing...

Farewells for many who left for abroad.

Gatherings for those who come back.

Hopefully many things will stay the same.

But a new year is a new year. There's got to be some changes.

Like trying to revive this blog and the facebook page again. Just wait and see.

For now. Enjoy the fireworks! :D

Lifeless Angsana

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy 19th Birthday, Stefanie and Amira

Happy 19th Birthday to the two ladies down here!!


...and Amira!!

May both of you have a great celebration. And all the best!

Lifeless Angsana

Monday, December 20, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fairytale of New York

Fairytale of New York
(I daresay the most popular Christmas song in UK)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Movie: Leave Me


Title: Leave Me

Enjoy and have a good day. More to come.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy 19th Birthday, Chee Meng!!
Good luck in all you do this year! :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


December is here and soon there'll be Christmas decorations splashed on this blog. Have a nice day!

Lifeless Angsana

christmas Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, November 26, 2010

Notifications on Hols and STPM

Notification (1):

Charmaine is going to be flying back next Monday, I believe.

That also means one thing...Christmas Holidays are on the way! Let's start putting up decos on this blog.

Notification (2):

All the best, Zu Wen, in STPM!

Lifeless Angsana

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

miss cheryl in dec

miss cheryl coming in dec anybody wanna meet up?

Says Zhe Kai.

Watch out for it!

Lifeless Angsana.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, Amirah, Yan Shan and Jun Xing

Happy 19th Birthday to the Three People as Follows!!






Have a great year, guys! :D

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nottingham Malaysian Games

Well, every year the Malaysian Society of Nottingham organises the Malaysian games, Basically this is when Malaysians from all over UK can come together to do the following:

(1) The games. Naturally. There was badminton, football, netball, chess, scrabble. batu seremban etc.

(2) Eat Malaysian food! The nasi lemak went off like hotcakes. And the food (well, not like back home but it)was okay.

(3) Meet up. :)

So far that's an update from us in UK. See ya soon.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Birthday, Shi Yun and Shih Yian 2010


All the best in all you do! Smile always and stay great! :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

200th Blogpost


It's been two fine years now since we've graduated from Taman SEA. And still we've had reunions and meet-ups and more. We're staying strong, aren't we? Probably you're thinking... "Yea...hopefully."

But it's on our part to make it work. And let's MAKE it work!

So. Are you guys interested in watching a movie this November? Many of us are scattered about everywhere but it won't be much of an issue, really.

Turning up means going online, right here on this blog. It's on your part and just for your entertainment. Since Halloween is not a mass celebration in Malaysia, and well, technically it has already passed, let's have our own late celebration by watching 'The Little Vampire'. Unless you have other ideas.

More information will come later on. Keep your eyes peeled.

Forever and always never lifeless,
5 Angsana 07/08

The overcomers.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Newest News

Newest News:

1. Zhe Kai mentioned that he's coming back in November. When exactly, I'm not sure.

2. Malaysians meet up at Nottingham Games in UK on the 6th of November. Photos will be up then.

3. The next post is our 200th post! Check it out soon!

Lifeless Angsana

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I remember the facial blotter.

I remember, do you?
Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful,
we must carry it with us or we find it not.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Good Luck, Stef!

Stefanie is having her AS examination soon! All the best, girl!

Lifeless Angsana.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Here are some snapshots of a trip to PetroScience, taken from Zi Qian's blog. But do go there do see a longer post. Why Petroscience I will never know.

Head to head with Qian.
Yan Shan is strumming away...

Is it just me or does this remind me of Avatar?
Nice group photo, don't you think? For more, go to Zi Qian's blog as you can see at the sidebar. :)

PS. Yan Shan is in India now.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Why don't you guys have a reunion?

Or maybe in December. :)

Lifeless Angsana

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy 19th Birthday, Joanne!!

Happy 19th Birthday, Joanne!!
First India then Penang.
All the best in all you do, future dentist!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rachael's Note

Hi guys!

I'll be flying off tonight to UK, so...bye!!
Not that it will make much of a difference, with technology and all...
I'll try to update as much as I can - but news from Malaysia may only be updated slower.
So you all better do that for me. Okay??!!
No being lifeless!!

Anyway, people with Skype please add me.
Sorry I couldn't organise another gathering for Angsanians going to UK and India.
Visa gave me a headache!!! *growls*

I'll be coming back at least once in these three years - most likely next year.
It'll be fast...

I hope I DON'T see this post still here next year. Alright?

XOXO - *hiccups*

Saturday, September 4, 2010

shake it

I bet Kai is secretly singing this song when the earthquake hit him.. =D

note 0.54 onwards..
admit kai.. you like this song.. XD

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Happy 19th Birthday, Zhen Ming!

Happy 19th Birthday, Zhen Ming!

All the best in Bristol!

Angsanian September Update


Please help keep track. Thanks.

Engineering: Adrian
Foundations: Shih Yian
IT: Jun Xing

A-Levels: Zi Qian
Pysychology: Aaron
Foundations: Chee Meng

TAR College:
A-Levels: Stefanie
Business: Suk Ting
Accounting: Ka Wei

Nutrition: Michelle
Medicine: Yong Hui, Yuen Yang
Complementary Medicine: Shu Yi

Monash University:
Business: Ben
Pharmacy: Eunice
Engineering: Wah Heng
Amirah (course?)

Methodist College:
Ausmat: Wen Lian

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia:
Architecture: Sam

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia:
Food and Nutrition: Nisa

MAHSA University:
Medicine: Amira

Form 6:
Tmn Sea: Zu Wen

Marche Movenpick: Shi Yun (Hostess)

India: Phui Yi (World College), Joanne (Dentistry), Yan Shan (Dentistry)
Australia: Charmaine (Hairdressing), Harendran (Accounting)
New Zealand: Zhe Kai (Law)
USA: Shen Yen (Common App)
UK: Zhen Ming (Mechanical Engineering), Cheng Ze (Economics), Rachael (English Literature)

Working and Awaiting uni:
Min Min

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Answers: Whose dream is/was this?


WHOSE DREAM IS/ WAS THIS? *Correct during 2007/2008*

1. To run a kindergarten --- so you know who you can hand your kids to. Charmaine

2. To become a pharmacist --- so you know who to call for prescriptions. Eunice

3. To fly in the air as a pilot --- holidays, anyone? Haree

4. To study psychology - “psychoanalyzing” you (Easy one) Aaron

5. To become a teacher – in the making. Shen Yen

6. To become a nurse – and earn loads at Saudi Arabia. Wen Lian

7. To marry a rich man/woman -
This...was purely random.
Zhe Kai

~Hope it boggled your brain~

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Help update


Lifeless Angsana is now running an update on all 5 Angsanians 'o8.

Overall most are accounted for.

Only a few are not.

- Amirah
- Ka Wei
- Suk Ting
- Min Min

Please help update. Thanks!! :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

UWC 'I gotta feeling' video

Don't you want to know what Phui Yi was showing us that day?

Now you can watch it for yourself.

Can you see her?

Note 4:08 - the one punching away. Yea, that's her!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy 19th Birthday, Aaron!

Happy 19th Birthday, Aaron!!

Future psychologist!!!

congrats yuen yang and rachael.

Sticky note:

Yuen Yang is going to IMU.

Rachael is heading to UK next month.

That's all for now. :)

Lifeless Angsana

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I remember the Bridge

I Remember, do you??

The hardest thing to learn in
life is
which bridge to
cross and which to burn.

~David Russell

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Jo is back.


Joanne is back from India TODAY!

For two weeks.

Lifeless Angsana

Friday, August 13, 2010

congrats cheng ze and zhen ming


Cheng Ze and Zhen Ming are heading to UK in September.

*If anyone is missing please edit here. Thanks.

Lifeless Angsana.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Note on A-Levels Result.

A-Levels results come out on either 11th or 19th of August 2010.
Yikes. Wish you guys luck.

Random note by,
Lifeless Angsana

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Quiz: Whose dream is/was this?

1. Answer each question.
2. Laugh if you have to.
3. Post answers as a comment. It doesn't matter if the previous person had already posted a comment. Nor does it matter what you choose to add.


WHOSE DREAM IS/ WAS THIS? *Correct during 2007/2008*

1. To run a kindergarten --- so you know who you can hand your kids to.

2. To become a pharmacist --- so you know who to call for prescriptions.

3. To fly in the air as a pilot --- holidays, anyone?

4. To study psychology - “psychoanalyzing” you (Easy one)

5. To become a teacher – in the making.

6. To become a nurse – and earn loads at Saudi Arabia.

7. To marry a rich man/woman -

~Answers to be posted at the end of the month~

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bunny Reunion

Bunny Reunion

They who came: Shen Yen, Phui Yi, Shu Yi, Aaron, Zi Qian, Adrian, Yan Shan.

Location (1) : Korean Restaurant

Here's Phui Yi with her laptop...

Shu Yi, Aaron and Shen Yen watches on.

EH! What's this?

Now we see it - updates from her college!

Location (2): Arcade

Nothing new - Aaron dances!!

Location (3): Borders

Reading up!! :)

Location (4): Ninja Joe

Lots of Burgers!!

Everything in order...

Digging in...

Say the 'p' word and Yen sill squirm!!!

*bounces away*