Friday, August 27, 2010

Answers: Whose dream is/was this?


WHOSE DREAM IS/ WAS THIS? *Correct during 2007/2008*

1. To run a kindergarten --- so you know who you can hand your kids to. Charmaine

2. To become a pharmacist --- so you know who to call for prescriptions. Eunice

3. To fly in the air as a pilot --- holidays, anyone? Haree

4. To study psychology - “psychoanalyzing” you (Easy one) Aaron

5. To become a teacher – in the making. Shen Yen

6. To become a nurse – and earn loads at Saudi Arabia. Wen Lian

7. To marry a rich man/woman -
This...was purely random.
Zhe Kai

~Hope it boggled your brain~


Anonymous said...

28 Aug 10, 16:53
zhe: I wanna marry a rich woman

28 Aug 10, 19:15
adrian: i'll agree wif u on dat kai lolz

Anonymous said...

1 Sep 10, 00:52
Joanne: ...and kai ! LOL i agree wif adr =D