Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lessons on Hand Gestures

It wasn't a subject we took then, but here's an Economics lesson at its very basic: There is unlimited wants and limited supplies.

There is a major want to start posting up loads of photos to jolt memories, but there are so few photos to pick from! Send over?

Anyway, enjoy.

Lessons on Hand Gestures

The guy who punches (Jun Xing) and the girl with the heart (Amira).

The typical 'peace sign' or bunny ears, whichever works - 'models' for this lesson are Adrian, Rui Wei, Zhe Kai, Yong Hui, Jun Xing

Now to give you some posing tips in easy steps. This is the mantra...0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!
0 - Ben
1 - Aaron
2 - Shen Yen
3 - Rachael
4 - Charmaine
5 - Shu Yi

Have a good day *peace*

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