Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bunny Reunion Details

Angsanian Reunion @ Bunny Reunion

Date →
2nd August 2010 (Monday)

Time → 3.30pm onwards (Time subjected to changes)

Venue → Tropicana City Mall - meet at Borders

Activities → Dinner (I need you guys to recommend places), Bouncing about, Whatever it is Shen Yen wants to do before she leaves on a jetplane.

RSVP by → 1st August 2010

Who's coming → Shen Yen, Rachael, Aaron, Yan Shan, Weng Hoe, Phui Yi, Shu Yi, Adrian, Ben....

( . )

Thursday, July 22, 2010

News: india

Hi guys,

Here's another piece of news:

Yan Shan will be going to India in September, and gonna be in the same uni as Joanne.

PS. There will be a reunion very soon (most likely on a Friday). Keep your eyes peeled.

Lifeless Angsana

All the Best in Perth!

Haree leaves for Perth today.
All the best!
Send him greetings! :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Leaving on Jetplanes


Harendran is leaving for Australia tomorrow!!!

Shen Yen is leaving for US early August!

Fast, huh?

Lifeless Angsana

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Inception & Despicable me

Last Friday, some of us went to the cinema!

Inception is AMAZING!! Says, Ben, Shen Yen, Yuen Yang and Rachael...although after watching, it felt kinda scary.

And Min Min, Cheng Ze, Weng Hoe and Jeremy say the little evil minion is ADORABLE!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sports Day 2010 Results

Results for Hari Sukan 2010
(Credits to Declan T. from Facebook)

SPORTS (Overall)
1st: Hijau
2nd: Ungu
3rd: Merah
4th: Kuning
5th: Biru

1st: Kuning
2nd: Merah
3rd: Biru

MARCHING (Badan beruniform)
1st: PBSM & Kadet Polis
2nd: -
3rd: KRS

1st: Hijau
2nd: Kuning
3rd: Biru

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Yes, taken from Facebook for updates!

It's from a recent Leo event.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How to Create Profile Badge

Anyone knows how to create a facebook group profile badge for our blog?

Random Question by
Lifeless Angsana
RainbowChain Pictures, Images and Photos

Just for an example, click here and look at the left side for something on facebook, retangular in shape.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sports day 2010 announcement

Update for those who still feel a connection to our alma mater,

SMK Taman Sea's Sports Day is this Friday (16/7/2010)!

Probably the usual stuff going on, but familiar faces would be floating about.

That's all for now. Anyone planning to be there?

Lifeless Angsana

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Michelle on FB


Michelle is now on Facebook. Add her! :)

Lifeless Angsana

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

all the best in july exams.

Icon - rainbow pop Pictures, Images and Photos

Joanne mentioned that her exam is in July. And Shu Yi is having hers next week!

So ALL THE BEST IN YOUR EXAMS!! (And this goes to whoever is having exams this month.

Lifeless Angsana.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 19th Birthday, Yuen Yang!

Happy 19th Birthday, Yuen Yang!!

We would like you to know that... didn't exactly find all the barang larangan that we had in class. LOL.

PS. Not sure what he's doing in the photo.