Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How to Create Profile Badge

Anyone knows how to create a facebook group profile badge for our blog?

Random Question by
Lifeless Angsana
RainbowChain Pictures, Images and Photos

Just for an example, click here and look at the left side for something on facebook, retangular in shape.


Rachael Lum said...

Thanks, Ben!! :D

Anonymous said...

16 Jul 10, 01:39
YY: btw wads dat facebook group profile badge? yea...ur rite...its my eyes n nose..only some ppl hav d skill to look n recognise

16 Jul 10, 16:34
Rachael: You know how ppl show a link to their facebook profile? Usually it's at the side in a box shape. But I dunno how to make a group one. (But since few can recognise you so better put photo) XD

16 Jul 10, 23:00
YY: i prefer to remain hiden....nope i dont get d side box thing...sry...

17 Jul 10, 13:59
Rachael: aiya... go back down to that post and click the link I put there. and see the side for a fb badge. k?

20 Jul 10, 14:32
Ben: @rachael: you can get the codes from your fb wall.. all set..

20 Jul 10, 14:33
Ben: Hi jeremy!

20 Jul 10, 21:44
Rachael: Ben: thank you!! looks nice on top. Jeremy: yes, hi!

20 Jul 10, 23:58
Ben: i will edit the side bar a bit.. so that the badge wont show the white piece

21 Jul 10, 00:10
Ben: fail...

22 Jul 10, 01:04
YY: oh...that Like thing...haha..i dont know how to do it...thanks Ben