Friday, December 23, 2011

4th year of graduation

Somehow someway, it has been 3 years since leaving Tmn SEA. I hope it has been 3 good years for all of us, and sincere congratulations to Zi Qian, Zu Wen and those whom I have lost contact with for scoring such great results in national and international exams. I could philosophize on grades and school systems deciding our lives but that’s not what this entry is for. No, this entry is celebrating the upcoming fourth year of leaving Tmn SEA.

Leave” has three general meanings in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary.

The first is to depart from. We left secondary school with relief, small twitches of regret and, hopefully, joy, because five years of adolescence studying within pink buildings tend to change our colour sense into puppies instead of the labradors who would sniff out any awful clash of paint. We also had to move on because it was time to move on. Enough said.

Next, to let something remain. What we left behind was whatever effort we had put into the clubs and societies we joined, whatever scrawls on tables or walls of names and words, whatever chewing gum hardening into rock under places I don’t want to remember, whatever family or friend who had a job or remaining years of studying in Tmn SEA. Most of all, some of our teachers will remember us. And more than that, we will remember some of our teachers. A part of our young and often cynical self remains in those pink walls. When I had to collect my SPM cert in 2011, I felt like an old person climbing the stairs to the bilik guru. Like it or not, I remembered although it had been 3 years.

Finally, to let something be, eg in old English “Leave him be”. Means just letting that person sulk, no kacau-ing him. I still remember Bio lessons where our teacher taught from PowerPoint, which was no help for SPM preparation. I still remember having to line up every morning for assembly, and no tie meant you stood in the middle. How humiliating. I still remember chasing teachers for their signature during F5 to complete our CV/ resume. I still remember having to go for tuition because I wasn’t smart enough to learn in class. I still remember ESL class was a nice waste of time, particularly when a fierce henna haired guru constantly made jokes when she was supposed to teach. I still still still remember how I gradually didn’t care that my class position was often in the bottom three, never in the top ten. So much more that I don’t want to remember, but I do. And I don’t intend to leave Tmn SEA be, not with those memories. Certainly not after experiencing first hand how real education is like, that learning difficult subjects can actually be fun.

For us who are studying in Malaysia, and for us studying outside Malaysia, we should and must consider how we can *blatant advertising, prepare for it.......* change change change Malaysia in our ways of not leaving things be.

Merry Christmas and early Happy New Year to all of 5 Angsana. I would not be who I am if not for those two years with all you guys.

Thank you for those two years spent within the pink walls. :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Construction Site

Angsanians Alert!

Work has been piling up lately, which explains the dormant nature of this blog. But it's time for it to erupt once again. Layout is under construction. Feel free to design a new header for us. And, to all Angsanians, post away!

under construction Pictures, Images and Photos

To be a blog author, leave a note and I'll do that. :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fried Egg

In the light of the previous post, do watch our very own Aaron's version of the song on Facebook.

And our group is private, so unfortunately, until he decides to post it up on Youtube, or post it up here himself, Facebook is where you should go. 

Saturday, April 30, 2011

consider yourself.. WARNED!!

KIDS NOWADAYS.. I don't think this phrase could've been use in a better place.. seriously. what's with kids nowadays..? Have they no self respect?

1st they came up with this junk...

And they even had a Chinese version for it. like wtf? eventhough it's a tad bit better..

and for all I know.. Jo introduce this to me.. which is much much worse..

SERIOUSLY! I dont care Hannah Montana is wearing your jeans
Ashley Tisdale’s wearing your jeans
Keke Palmer’s also wearing your jeans
what has become of our music industry??!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Slap-Stick Scene

A memory from Tepes rehearsals:

The ‘Slap’-stick Scene

It is the scene where Ben meets his parents (Zu Wen and Wen Lian) to tell them about Mirah. The scene involves the mom slapping her son.

Wen Lian is uncertain.

She is reminded that she will go down in Angsanian history as the person who slapped Ben, and besides, it’s not like it’ll be a real slap. Whenever Wen Lian “slaps”, Ben must “turn his head” while Shu Yi “claps her hands”.

Wen Lian “slaps”, Ben “turns to the left”, Shu Yi “claps”.

It looks real. There is laughter.

Wen Lian “slaps”, Ben “turns to the left”, Shu Yi “claps”.

Looks very genuine, in fact. There is laughter.

Wen Lian “slaps, slaps, slaps”, Ben “turns to the left, right, left”, Shu Yi “claps, claps, claps”.

It gets even more hilarious when it is done multiple times.

And then...



Monday, March 21, 2011

Freshen it Up

Let's revive this blog! To do that we have to freshen it up.

Here's how: All of us gets to write at least one post each year. And you can write anything you want, maybe you'd like to update us about what is happening in your life etc.

Zi Qian suggested that we write according to the month in which our birthdays fall on.

Let's make it work! :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Hi guys,

Our blog should get a fresh new look, and Mirah has suggested that we have weekly contributors. I think it's a great idea to avoid lack of creative juices and posts.

So do check out our openings:

C L A S S I F I E D S :
  • Someone who would like to revamp the blog layout
  • Contributors (Weekly but fortnightly/monthly is acceptable)
Mirah, Zi Qian, Shen Yen...

If you haven't already been added to the author list, send your email over.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Quiz: 5W's

Long time since we had a quiz, right? Do have fun taking part in this!

Lifeless Angsana. :D

1. Answer each question.
2. Laugh if you have to.
3. Post answers as a comment. It doesn't matter if the previous person had already posted a comment. Nor does it matter what you choose to add.


1. How many prefects were there in our class?

2. What did our class use to recreate the DNA in a science competition?

3. When is Pn Ting’s Birthday?

4. Which of us slapped Ben in front of the whole school?

(Okay, maybe not everyone but a whole bunch of people)
5. Where was this?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Zi Qian, ALevels

Zi Qian did really well in her A-Levels!!

Soon to be updated in FB.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's Coming Soon

The following is a post that has been under our drafts for years now, written by Shen Yen in 2009 but never published (presumably because another similar message got posted a little earlier. Thought it would be good to relive some "great" SPM memories.

Hello hello.

I can't believe it but it's true.

SPM results are coming out soon (i heARD mARCH 12) and the heart beats faster. It's all coming back again, the nervous feeling EXACTLY like PMR and (ahaha, here's to childhood trauma) UPSR.

and now? Well, even though we all will be turning 18 sometime this year, i still wanna be a kid in the soul, forever young inside. So lets approach our impending results with a naive mind but firm heart.

People, its gonna be great seeing you all on THE DAY.

Monday, February 21, 2011

STPM revised

News spread awfully fast now that the new FB group is up.

Congrats Zu Wen!

Thumbs up by
Lifeless Angsana


Cheah Zu Wen gets his STPM result today. Wish him all the best!

Lifeless Angsana

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Birthday '11: Shu Yi


Sorry for the choice of photo. At the moment I am unable to upload new ones. :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Coffee Prediction: Jo

The coffee makes a prediction:

Coffee Art <3 Pictures, Images and Photos

Joanne is back in Malaysia until the 20th of March.

Anyone in the mood to bug?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Birthday '11: Shen Yen

Happy Birthday Bunny Yen!!

Welcome to the twenties!!
*bounce bounce*

Friday, February 4, 2011

Birthday '11: Michelle

MICHELLE...Happy 20th Birthday!
Send her wishes today! May you have a good year!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

CNY 2011

Enjoy your CNY and your holidays!
(If you have them)
chinese new year 2011 Pictures, Images and Photos
Happy Bunny New Year 2011!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winter is Ending

CNY is coming soon! Woohoo!
That means there's holidays, big gatherings, balik kampung times, ang pows, good food, new clothes etc etc

And for some... winter is about to end! WOOHOO!


rabbit holdup cartoon Pictures, Images and Photos
Good day!

Lifeless Angsana

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Birthday '11: Ben

It's now our assistant monitor's turn to earn an extra candle.
Send him a wish!

Happy Birthday, Ben! :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Birthday '11: Charmzie

Charmaine's birthday is today! Send her wishes! :D

Happy Birthday, girl!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

SMKTS blog

Since when did SMKTS have a blog?

I didn't know until now.

You can check it out here.

All the familiarity  :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Facebook Page

Now that today is 1/11/11, we have a special news!

We now have a new 5 Angsana '08 Facebook group page.

The sort that will update you whenever new posts are on. And easier to chat with everyone!

Thanks to Yuen Yang and Ben!


Lifeless Angsana

Monday, January 10, 2011

Birthday '11: Sam

Birthday Alarm for Sam...

Send him wishes through Facebook. We're all hitting 20 this year!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Figure out FB

Hi people!

We need to find a way to get the Facebook Page to notify its members whenever someone posts on the Angsana Group Page.

Anyone can figure it out?


Lifeless Angsana

Saturday, January 1, 2011