Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's Coming Soon

The following is a post that has been under our drafts for years now, written by Shen Yen in 2009 but never published (presumably because another similar message got posted a little earlier. Thought it would be good to relive some "great" SPM memories.

Hello hello.

I can't believe it but it's true.

SPM results are coming out soon (i heARD mARCH 12) and the heart beats faster. It's all coming back again, the nervous feeling EXACTLY like PMR and (ahaha, here's to childhood trauma) UPSR.

and now? Well, even though we all will be turning 18 sometime this year, i still wanna be a kid in the soul, forever young inside. So lets approach our impending results with a naive mind but firm heart.

People, its gonna be great seeing you all on THE DAY.