Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 09

Happy Halloween! Pictures, Images and Photos

Dear Angsanians,

Hi! Where are all of you? Come back onto the blog!! Am I supposed to celebrate Halloween alone?

There were moments worth remembering.
All the crazy things you all have done
That makes days back in high school
Just a little more fun.


Your blog,
Lifeless Angsana

dog costume Pictures, Images and Photos

Trick or treat, anyone?

Thursday, October 29, 2009


We will always be there for you, Mirah.

Each and every one of us.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Meet Up Perhaps?

As you know, we're thinking of having a farewell outing (of course and a little reunion) for Charmzie who will be flying off on the 5th of December!!

Are you all interested in board games? They're pretty fun, especially when a lot of people are involved. Thanks to a suggestion by Shen Yen, why not we have this as an activity for that day? Or evening?

Yes, we mean it! And there will be the makan time, rest assured. And it'll be nearby so there shouldn't be complains...

Any details will come later when things are confirmed. November, I guess.

1. Opinions anyone?
2. Would you come?
3. It may be a busy time for some, so for now idea is still on the fence.
4. Pn Ting?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Try to Remember

Try to remember the kind of September
When life was slow and oh, so mellow.

Try to remember the kind of September
When grass was green and grain was yellow.

Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a tender and callow fellow.

Try to remember, and if you remember,
Then follow.
~Try to Remember, by Tom Jones~

Friday, October 23, 2009

I remember Cermin

I you?

vanity Pictures, Images and Photos

If I make the lashes dark
And the eyes more bright
And the lips more scarlet,
Or ask if all be right
From mirror after mirror,
No vanity's displayed:
I'm looking for the face I had
Before the world was made.

~W.B. Yeats

Satay Pictures, Images and Photos

Credits to Photobucket for both Photos
*GUYS! Did we take a video of the two plays we did last year?*

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Hi guys! Miss me? Yes, I've been feeling pretty blue lately, which is why I haven't been able to update much. In fact, my blog skin is still blue! See? See?

*crickets cricking*

That was not intentional. Okay.

Well, Lifeless Angsana is well, alive again! Barely Still holding on...

Which is why, do post anything you want here! And more people will be invited to be contributors. Write down crazy things you did over the weekend, add your college/school events, post photos, jokes, your philosophies , 'emo' moments, thoughts etc etc etc.

No kidding! Just have fun with it! I'm your class blog!

Ah well, glad you've "woke me up...when September ended"...lalala~~

*crickets cricking*

Lifeless Angsana

Monday, October 19, 2009

What say you?

Hey guys! Big news! Charmaine has graduated from Kimarie! *Applauds*

She'll be leaving for Australia in December. And pursuing hairdressing! Well, so if you still need a haircut etc before then, be quick!

I say we have a gathering for her before she leaves. What say you?

PS. Perhaps we should meet up with Puan Ting too...

PSS. This layout is getting on my nerves. Will fiddle with it till it works out.

Sunday, October 18, 2009



Hi guys! Halloween coming up! Doing anything? Me? I'm trying to revive the blog, so do take the quiz!

Halloween divider Pictures, Images and Photos

1. Answer each question.
2. Laugh if you have to.
3. Post answers as a comment. It doesn't matter if the previous person had already posted a comment. Nor does it matter what you choose to add.

1. These two people were 'mistaken' for each other as toddlers (A looked like B when A was a child, B looked like A when B was a child)

2. These two people hurt their leg (by accident of course!) during our Angsanian era (thus giving us nice classrooms)

3. These two people played the 'Tepes' couple.

4. These two people went for yoga lessons.

5. These two people brought facial oil blotting paper to school.

magic words cauldron Pictures, Images and Photos
* There are two answers per question.

**Since there are no big events coming up or so, just sit back and have fun with the quiz! Don't let your memory get rusty!

Answers will be up end of the month.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Update on Mirah

Hi guys, just an update!

Mirah has been back for a while because of a family issue, which thank goodness is okay now.

She'll be leaving for Canada again on Sunday.

Till then, you may bug her as long as you give her a call beforehand.

Have a great day, guys!

PS. Been really busy lately...sorry! Any grand story to share?