Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Hi guys! Miss me? Yes, I've been feeling pretty blue lately, which is why I haven't been able to update much. In fact, my blog skin is still blue! See? See?

*crickets cricking*

That was not intentional. Okay.

Well, Lifeless Angsana is well, alive again! Barely Still holding on...

Which is why, do post anything you want here! And more people will be invited to be contributors. Write down crazy things you did over the weekend, add your college/school events, post photos, jokes, your philosophies , 'emo' moments, thoughts etc etc etc.

No kidding! Just have fun with it! I'm your class blog!

Ah well, glad you've "woke me up...when September ended"...lalala~~

*crickets cricking*

Lifeless Angsana

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