Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Meet Up Perhaps?

As you know, we're thinking of having a farewell outing (of course and a little reunion) for Charmzie who will be flying off on the 5th of December!!

Are you all interested in board games? They're pretty fun, especially when a lot of people are involved. Thanks to a suggestion by Shen Yen, why not we have this as an activity for that day? Or evening?

Yes, we mean it! And there will be the makan time, rest assured. And it'll be nearby so there shouldn't be complains...

Any details will come later when things are confirmed. November, I guess.

1. Opinions anyone?
2. Would you come?
3. It may be a busy time for some, so for now idea is still on the fence.
4. Pn Ting?

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