Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Angsanian Update

Let's say it's never too late for updates - so where is everybody right now in March 2010?

A-Levels: Zhen Ming, Min Min, Cheng Ze, Yan Shan
Engineering: Adrian
Foundations: Shih Yian

A-Levels: Rachael, Shen Yen, Zi Qian, Yuen Yang
Pysychology: Aaron
Foundations: Chee Ming, Jun Xing

A-Levels: Harendran

TAR College:
A-Levels: Stefanie
Suk Ting, Ka Wei

Nutrition: Michelle
Medicine: Yong Hui
Complementary Medicine: Shu Yi

Monash University:
Accounting: Ben
Pharmacy: Eunice
Engineering: Wah Heng

Methodist College:
A-Levels: Wen Lian

University Teknologi Malaysia:
Architecture: Sam

Form 6:
Tmn Sea: Zu Wen

Canada: Amirah
India: Phui Yi, Joanne(soon to be)
Australia: Charmaine
New Zealand: Zhe Kai

Where is... Amira & Siti?

1 comment:

Angsana! said...

Epic conversation

23 Mar 10, 21:37
Joanne: i tot Jun Xing is still in HELP? o.o doing FIS. lol.

23 Mar 10, 22:44
Ben: one person is missing... she is yan shan.. got 37 ppl edi..

23 Mar 10, 22:48
Ben: when you look at the list.. it's like everyone is either in a different course or in a different institution..

24 Mar 10, 15:23
adrian: lolz... wad u trying to imply, ben?? xD

25 Mar 10, 20:53
Ben: err... about how i miss adrian...

25 Mar 10, 21:57
Joanne: ya lor.. yanshan is in a lvls.. taylors oso.

25 Mar 10, 21:57
Joanne: and ben... it’s good that everyone is in diff course... then we have pros in diff fields =DD isn't that great? XD

25 Mar 10, 23:36
Ben: haha.. then we form a large organisation called Angsanians International Group (AIG)

25 Mar 10, 23:36
Ben: doing business in all sectors..

26 Mar 10, 08:29
zhe: you forgot to input who's doing what course after harendran

26 Mar 10, 10:13
adrian: -.- AIG ....u think 2 much ben xD

26 Mar 10, 21:37
Rachael: Joanne: I agree! Now I have doctors and a dentist and a lawyer...hmm....any opticians? hehe

27 Mar 10, 00:07
ben: adrian: it's time the great angsanians take over AIG and prove our prowess!! not only in the financialfield.. we go into all sectors..