Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lil' reminding of Lydia

Grabbed from Lydia's friendster profile for those who need a lil' reminding.


* In our class year 2007 (and left after a while)

* We had this class activity where we had an election for 'head prefect' and Lydia raked in the highest votes!

1 comment:

Lifeless Angsana Blog said...

Conversation to be remembered:

28 Feb 10, 21:35
stef: okay....who is yi ein and lydia? how come i don't remember them at all

1 Mar 10, 00:15
Joanne: btw.. i dun rmb lydia.. but i rmb yi ein . =D

1 Mar 10, 00:25
Rachael: yi ein sat beside me & lydia sat beside phui yi in form 4...

1 Mar 10, 23:20
Joanne: rachael.. what's lydia's full name ? o.o

1 Mar 10, 23:20
Joanne: i do rmb the seat beside phuiyi was empty

1 Mar 10, 23:40
weng: lol... who's lydia..?

1 Mar 10, 23:50
MinMin: Aiyo, how can u guys be so forgetful? She was the girl we voted as "headprefect"

2 Mar 10, 00:05
weng: got any pic of lydia..? and wats her surname..? lol

2 Mar 10, 08:59
Rachael: she's one of the teacher's daughter...and u even ate the pizza for her farewell!!

2 Mar 10, 15:06
zhe: wtf is lydia? O.O

2 Mar 10, 20:01
Rachael: aiyo..fine fine. i'll post a photo of lydia tomorrow. but u remember yi ein, right?

2 Mar 10, 21:39
stef: ooh...i remember the pizza part...but i don't remember how she looks like -__-

2 Mar 10, 22:07
Aaron: Forgetting Yi Ein isn't as easy as you might think

4 Mar 10, 13:45
weng: lol... lydia look kinda familiar but oso not so familiar... =.=

5 Mar 10, 00:28
Joanne: wh u talking crap ah LOL

5 Mar 10, 06:09
zhe: yeah I rmb yi ein... d super quiet girl. but i still ask d same thing... WTF is lydia LOL

5 Mar 10, 06:10
zhe: @aaron of course it's hard for you... since you lyked her in f4

5 Mar 10, 08:28
adrian: no wh talking wif very deep meaning....

6 Mar 10, 05:48
zhe: yeah, wh is d philosopher xD