Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tropicana City

Farewell Luncheon @ TROPICANA CITY

This is for all Angsanians who are going off overseas.
(As of now not really know how many there are exactly)

Date: 5th February 2010 (Friday)
Time: 2.00pm
Venue: San Francisco Steak House, Tropicana City Mall

Angsanian Arrivals: Rachael, Yuen Yang (we're the ones to bug), Zhe Kai, Adrian, Shen Yen, Weng Hoe, Yan Shan. Any more?=)...

Maybe: Sam, Ka Wei, Zi Qian, Amira

Nope: Ben, Joanne, Zu Wen, Chee Ming, Zhen Ming, Rui Wei, Shih Yian, Aaron, Michelle, Min Min, Cheng Ze, Wen Lian, Siti, Eunice

NOTE: This is not confirmed. Please let us know about your timing and suggestions. And do reply whether or not you are coming. Need to know if have to book table.
(Speak or forever hold peace)

Monday, January 25, 2010


Hello, Angsanians.

Pinned up this WANTED poster to call out for Photos of 2008 Angsanian Time, so that there is more to spam update.

Leave a comment if you have photos to surrender share, and I'll give you an email to send to. (Of course if you already know Rachael's email, that's the one)

Lifeless Angsana

Friday, January 22, 2010

Funny maths

Seems like only yesterday.

Here are some maths questions to 'boggle' your mind.

Easy Problem

Fun Math

Math Problem

Math Explanation

Big Problem
And to think we could have had it that easy.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

♫ On the 10th day of New Year 10 Angsanians sent to me 80 sticks of satay ♫

♫ On the 10th day of New Year
10 Angsanians sent to me
80 sticks of satay ♫

Hey!! To Shu Yi, Michelle, Shen Yen , Adrian, Weng Hoe, Zhe Kai, Aaron, Wen Lian, Zhen Ming and Benjamin, thanks for coming on this 10th day of New Year!! :-) 
To those who could not make it on that day, the photos are here!!
I have only a few photos that were taken on that day. So, enjoy. ^^

Oops, forgot to take a picture of the satays. So you'll have to imagine.

Wannabe Lawyer's friend.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I heard...

Miss Cheryl is getting married on 11.06.2010! ^^

btw I'm not the wannabe lawyer

Wannabe Lawyer

Who's flying off?

Hi guys!

The photos of the satay outing...should be coming up soon.

By the way, who's flying off next month? I only know a certain wannabe lawyer heading for NZ.

(New Year after all)


Lifeless Angsana

PS. Leave comment under this post if possible. Thanks!

Friday, January 8, 2010

All the Best in exams!

This is to all those who will be having exams this month.

All the best!


Lifeless Angsana

Monday, January 4, 2010

♫ On the 10th day of New Year ♫

 On the 10th day of New Year
my true love sent to me
10 sticks of satay.....

Hey!! How's your New Year??
Let's welcome the 10th day of 2010 together with SATAY KAJANG!!

♫ At Haji Samuri 
Damansara Uptown (behind William Driving School)(behind the row of shops 
which are located directly opposite SMK Damansara Utama)

♫ Date Sunday, 10th of January 2010 (duh..)

♫ Time 1.00 PM

♫ Who's going ? Shu Yi, Michelle, Ben and more...

♫ Who's unsure? Zhen Ming, Zi Qian, Adrian, Aaron, Weng Hoe, Rachael.

Please state whether you are coming. Thanks!

By Ben.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Where is everyone (one year back)

It's been a year now. Many things have changed. Some people appear suddenly, out of the blue, others we may wonder where on earth they are.

Here is an updated list, but it's very unrefined so if you DO know where everyone else is, please please please comment here.

SAM (finished syllabus): Zhe Kai, Yong Hui, Eunice
Canadian Pre U: Joanne, Amira (graduated)
A-Levels: Zhen Ming, Min Min, Cheng Ze
Foundations: Shih Yian

A-Levels: Rachael, Shen Yen, Zi Qian, Yuen Yang
Foundations: Adrian, Jun Xing, Aaron, Chee Ming

Ausmat (finished syllabus): Shu Yi, Michelle, Wah Heng, Weng Hoe, Ben
A-Levels: Harendran

Form 6: Tmn SEA - Zu Wen

TAR College: Suk Ting, Stefanie, Ka Wei

Methodist College: Wen Lian

Canada: Amirah
India: Phui Yi
Australia: Charmaine

Spill, guys, if you know where they are!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

Hi guys!

Happy 2010!

Bright New Year

May your year be filled with wonders, and all the best in all you do!

Hope we can all meet up again.

Lifeless Angsana