Sunday, January 3, 2010

Where is everyone (one year back)

It's been a year now. Many things have changed. Some people appear suddenly, out of the blue, others we may wonder where on earth they are.

Here is an updated list, but it's very unrefined so if you DO know where everyone else is, please please please comment here.

SAM (finished syllabus): Zhe Kai, Yong Hui, Eunice
Canadian Pre U: Joanne, Amira (graduated)
A-Levels: Zhen Ming, Min Min, Cheng Ze
Foundations: Shih Yian

A-Levels: Rachael, Shen Yen, Zi Qian, Yuen Yang
Foundations: Adrian, Jun Xing, Aaron, Chee Ming

Ausmat (finished syllabus): Shu Yi, Michelle, Wah Heng, Weng Hoe, Ben
A-Levels: Harendran

Form 6: Tmn SEA - Zu Wen

TAR College: Suk Ting, Stefanie, Ka Wei

Methodist College: Wen Lian

Canada: Amirah
India: Phui Yi
Australia: Charmaine

Spill, guys, if you know where they are!

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