Thursday, January 14, 2010

♫ On the 10th day of New Year 10 Angsanians sent to me 80 sticks of satay ♫

♫ On the 10th day of New Year
10 Angsanians sent to me
80 sticks of satay ♫

Hey!! To Shu Yi, Michelle, Shen Yen , Adrian, Weng Hoe, Zhe Kai, Aaron, Wen Lian, Zhen Ming and Benjamin, thanks for coming on this 10th day of New Year!! :-) 
To those who could not make it on that day, the photos are here!!
I have only a few photos that were taken on that day. So, enjoy. ^^

Oops, forgot to take a picture of the satays. So you'll have to imagine.

Wannabe Lawyer's friend.

1 comment:

Rachael Lum said...

Haha!! what a coincidence. 10 on the 10th!!XD