Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Of all the Blurrest Mistakes, This Is ONE of 'Em!!

When my sister read the title, she said she didn't get it. Never mind that, let me tell you the story behind it.

It all started a long long time ago when a family of four decided to make a two day trip to Ipoh. Naturally, the eldest beloved daughter, who was feeling frazzled after enduring a major exam was delighted about it. Ipoh was famed for good food and lovely scenery. Heh, even "The King and I" was filmed there.

So they made the 4 hour trip there while the younger sister was complaining about how boring life was gonna get. Even the special bonus of stopping by the hot spring didn't cheer her up. Did you know what happened when they reached the hot spring??

Elder sister : Aaugh, it's so hot! I don't want to go!!
Younger sister: Waa, mum, it's so nice and warm in the water!! Let's stay here longer.

Reverse roles. I hated the hot springs because everybody was dipping their sweaty stinky bodies into the SAME big pool. Ugh. Plus my mum wasn't pleased with my black face, even though i tried telling her about epithelial skin cells and urine being part of the major components in that hot spring pool.

After an excruciating hour at the baking pool, the family of 4 resumed the journey and reached Ipoh at 2 in the afternoon. The rest of the day was spent napping and taking pictures of the sky. At least the cool wind and yummy dim sum made the elder sister feel better. The next day, after enjoying hot hakka mee for breakfast, they went back to Petaling Jaya because mum was coming down with a headache.

The next day, the elder sister was happily clearing her piles of buku rujukan for recycling when she found an SPBT book. That day was Tuesday, 2nd of December 2008, time 3.47 pm in the afternoon.

Before i end, anyone who wants to return their SPBT books because they missed the other days should contact the nearest SPBT member they can find. Then, after a few sms's, you'll be connected to the president of SPBT who will tell you what to do. Finally, if you have read until here and still don't get it,I suggest you call my sister and ask for an explanation. She might not answer because she's been brought up not to talk to strangers.

Have a good day.

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