Saturday, December 27, 2008

OMG!!!miss cheryl can write!!!

hey guys, check this out... not bad eh?

Papa and Mummy call me ah hui
Dad's li'l daughter, U.Kelvin's li'l niece
Youths call me che' but to the M'sian government
i'm simply cheryl ng ling hui.

Mayli calls me ah sor, just a 'small kid' to Big Bro'
Nicknamed cherrie by 304A gals
It doesn't matter what i'm called
i'm God's precious daughter, this i know!

Born 25th May 1984 at 8.25am in General Hospital
Just a li'l babe, 5 pounds and 13 ounces by weight
Third in the family – oh no, another girl!
Fret not, worry not, my brother soon follows.

From Tua Ee's house to Ah Mah's place,
A wonderful childhood i had indeed
Barbie dolls i had not, my cousins were my only playmates
Hide-and-seek, kites and hopscotch – those we did play.

From Kindy to SK Kenyalang to SMK Bandar Kuching
i love going to school not one day to be missed
4As for UPSR, 7As for PMR, 10As for SPM - what's next?
"A doctor she'd be," they said, but uh-huh NOT me!!
Over the mountain and the sea, in IPBA i finally landed,
A teacher i shall be, small though i may be
Spreading my wings, to Auckland i flew
And for a season there I remained.

Baking I love, chocolate's my favourite flavour,
Rainbow makes me smile, stress makes me cry
Babies I adore, but not puppies I'm sorry to say
Piano sooths my nerves, and so does a nice hot shower.

Faith's my strength, Admin's my ability
Shepherding's my call, Giving's my passion
And Wisdom from above, that's God's gift indeed!
Filled with grace, blessed to be a blessing…

taken from Miss Cheryl's blog

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