Wednesday, December 31, 2008

This Is For You

Hey and howdy do to all people of 5 ANGSANA 2007/2008, this is the last day of any semblance of our previous school life. From tomorrow onwards, we probably might get awkward or sheepish if we bump into each other. I mean the ones that we didn't really talk to much.
I won't be blogging as much like last time, reasons are few and simple. Not much time and there are a lot of books i want to finish reading. (here i will cackle with sheer anticipation! Books galore!). So here is my post which hopefully, manages to let you all know how much i have enjoyed you as my classmates and my deepest appreciation for sharing two years of Taman S.E.A with me. Enjoy.

It's the end of a year, it's the end of a time
well, goodbye goodbye fellow classmates
there's now an "ex-" added in front,
But instead of the usual heartache and awkwardness
of girl-boy relationships,
this one is worth two years of
cramming for trials, birthday, drama, Pn Ting and
dozing during Mr Ravi's class...(sorry!)
Ben, remember your laugh is contagious like flu,
Suk Ting, there is no price for cool-headedness (yeah man!)
and so on so forth.....
A salute to the class pengawases:
one drifts away like mist yet sits with perfect posture,
another two are like paper and glue,
there's one who is a supernova while the

For the rest, what can i say?
They re pasted in the mind like the
photo album we gave teacher and
will probably turn gray and wrinkled as
years pass but who cares right now?
All i remember will be you as you were,
when youth burned in us like
alkane or even alkene.

Haih, who likes saying bye-bye?
Truth hurts so let memories become
the balm which softens the parting
As for email or sms, if it doesn't
work you just ask for the h/p number and
call call call until they answer!
and when you get married, invite
Right now the mountain of revision
books and tuition files that sit there
waiting for me are high as
the school flag (this is a hyperbole and
it was randomly typed in here hahaha)

So I give my love to the future and
thanks for the memories, you guys.
Happy New Year

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